Wuled Lenggoro レンゴロ

Professor, (National University Corporation) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology TUAT 国立大学法人東京農工大学 Nakacho 2-24-16, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588 東京都小金井市中町2-24-16 Lenggoro Lab. MAIL @ empatLab.net

インドネシア生まれ育ち。公務員試験(世界銀行、政府給費留学生)に合格し、バンドゥン工科大学ITB, 物理工学科1年次時)を中退。日本政府の予備教育を受けて来日し、東京広島(文部省斡旋の入学)→東京と引っ越しをしています。 2007年に東京農工大学で立ち上げた研究室の構成員には、45名以上の学士・修士課程15名以上の博士後期課程学生が含まれています。米国イェール大学Visiting Fellow、スウェーデンLund大・文科省派遣者、理化学研究所NEDO・共同研究員、複数の日本の多国籍企業・技術顧問、欧州の学術雑誌・主任編集者、日本エアロゾル学会・常任理事を歴任しています。65以上の異なるジャーナルに論文を発表しており、研究の多様性を示しています。Lenggoro was born and grew up in Indonesia. He passed the World Bank Scholarship (Indonesian Civil Service) exam and left a university (ITB) during first year. He has been moving from Jakarta, Tokyo to Hiroshima (admission mediated by the Japanese government) and back to Tokyo. He was a Visiting Fellow at Yale U. (US), a MEXT Scholar at Lund U. (Sweden), a collaborative researcher at governmental research institutions (RIKEN and NEDO), a technical advisor to 2+ multinational companies in Japan, and the Regional Editor of Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Springer). He was also a Standing Director of the Japan Association of Aerosol Science & Technology. He has trained more than 15 doctoral and 45 bachelor/master’s course students in his TUAT group. He has published in 65+ different journals, showcasing the research diversity.

所属:日本エアロゾル学会(Japan Association of Aerosol Science & Technology)、粉体工学会(Society of Powder Technology, Japan)、化学工学会(Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan)、日本セラミックス協会(Ceramic Society of Japan)、日本地球惑星科学連合(Japan Geoscience Union)、アメリカ科学振興協会(American Association for the Advancement of Science)

OPEN LECTURES (Recorded, 録画)

Opinion/Essay (invited)


Nikkei Science (Back Cover) 2005


  • Bachelor course: Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering 化学工学基礎, Transport Phenomena 移動現象論, English for Science & Technology 科学技術英語, Modeling Project Study, Materials Science & Engineering 材料科学, Environmental Measurement Engineering 環境計測工学
  • Graduate School: Advanced Energy & Materials Engineering 物質エネルギーシステム特論,物質設計特論, 分子情報工学特論
  • List-of-Class (category/class)


  • INDUSTRIAL: 1st Japan Powder Technology Forum in Indonesia (2012) 粉体技術フォーラム
  • INDUSTRIAL: 1st “Japan Process Engineering in Indonesia” (Advisor, 2017) with Japan Management Association (日本能率協会). A report (JMA site)
  • EDUCATION: The 1st undergraduate-exchange in Japan, as co-author of “1st-Proposal (2012)”: TUAT to ASEAN. (Made the 1st English language bachelor class in TUAT)
  • EDUCATION: Dept. of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering (2019)
  • WEBSITE: Producer of 1st “smart-phone”-able site among Japan’s universities: BASE Grad. School 日本の大学で初めてスマートフォン対応ウェブサイト
  • SOCIETY: Co-author, Society of Chemical Engineers Japan: Vision 2023
  • SCHOLARSHIP: by “consortium” of several companies (SME) for an international student (2015-2018) 複数中小企業の共同による留学生奨学金制度
  • PARENTAL LEAVE: The 1st case (more than 2 months, a male academic staff) in the campus: キャンパス内の男性教員で初ての(二カ月以上)育児休業 >> On a newspaper (2019)



Field of Research: based on publications (1998-2022/2, WOS)

CONSULTING SERVICES (from 2007, Tokyo U. Agr. Tech.) for manufacturers of:

  • Inorganic chemicals; Personal care products; Biomass; Instrumentation/Environmental equipment; Photocatalyst paint; Information technology equipment and services; Particle measuring device, Textile manufacturing, Water treatment equipment, 無機化学品、パーソナルケア製品、バイオマス、計装・環境設備、 光触媒塗装、情報技術機器・サービス、 粒子計測機器、織物製造、水処理装置

CONSULTING SERVICES (1998-2006, Hiroshima Univ.) for manufacturers of:

  • Electronic paste and ceramic equipment; Consumer electronic products; Electric light sources; Phosphors (for cathode ray tubes and X-ray intensifying screens); Ceramics and electronics; Functional pigments and electronic materials; Electric wire and optical fiber cables; Cosmetics; Complex inorganic color pigment; Mining mineral resources and electronic materials; Mining and smelting, non-ferrous metals; Computer printers and imaging related equipment; Electronic products 電子ペースト及びセラミック装置; 家電製品; 電気光源; 蛍光体 (ブラウン管、X線増感スクリーン用); セラミックス・エレクトロニクス; 機能性顔料・電子材料; 電線・光ファイバケーブル; 化粧品; 複合無機着色顔料; 鉱物資源・電子材料の採掘;鉱山・製錬・非鉄金属;コンピュータプリンタおよび画像関連機器;電子製品


  • Regional Editor, J. Nanoparticle Research (2008-2011) アジア/オセアニア主任編集者
  • Editor, J. Aerosol Research (エアロゾル研究 – Japan Aerosol Association of Science and Technology), (2008-2012)
  • Co-guest editor, J. Nanoparticle Research (2001, 2003).
  • Reviewer for more than 50 Journals



  • Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology 日本エアロゾル学会: Head of Young Associations 若手会代表 2006-2008; 会誌編集委員 Editorial Member 2008-2012; (常務)理事 (Standing) Director 2018-2022
  • Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan 化学工学会: Education Committee 理科教育委員 2008-2012; 関東支部幹事 2008-2012 ; Post Vision委員 (For Vision 2023) 2010-2012; ASEAN委員 (2012-2020)
  • Society of Powder Technology, Japan. 粉体工学会 Board Member of Kanto region 関東談話会幹事 (2012–); 国際交流委員会委員 (2015–); 評議員 (2023-)
  • National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所・科学技術動向研究センター (Science and Technology Foresight Center) 科学技術専門調査員 (2014-2017)
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Reviewer. 日本学術振興会, 審査員 (2015-2023)


  • 工学府 工学部 教育委員 Graduate School of Engineering, Undergraduate (Faculty of Engineering) Education Committee Member 2019-2021, General Affairs Staff Member/総務員 2020
  • 学科 Department Webmaster (2012–); BASE 大学院 Graduate School Webmaster (2012-2019)
  • TUAT/International Exchange Committee 全学・国際交流委員会 2010-2012, 2016-2018
  • TUAT/AIMS Program Operating Committee (Environmental Technology Innovation Course) 全学・AIMSプログラム運営委員(環境志向技術革新コース)2014-2017.
  • Graduate School of Engineering (and Undergraduate Faculty of Engineering) Student International Exchange Program Subcommittee Member工学府・工学部 学生国際交流プログラム小委員 2020–
  • Environment and Safety Management Center Operating Committee Member/環境安全管理センター・運営委員 (2014-2016)
  • Department of Chemical Engineering Vice Department Head/化学システム工学科・副学科長 2020-2023(Department Head/学科長 2023-2025)
  • Chair of Tenure-Track Promotion Committee for Faculty of Engineering 工学部テニュアトラック推進運営委員長 2022–
  • Head of TUAT Tenure-Track Promotion Organization テニュアトラック推進機構・機構長 2023–
  • International Strategy Committee Member for Graduate School of Engineering 工学府の国際戦略委員 2022–
  • Head of Applied Chemistry Division/ 応用化学部門長 2023-2024
  • Head of Chemical Engineering Program (Graduate School) 大学院・システム化学工学専修長 2023-2025




  • 1998-2006: Development of synthesis techniques for multielement functional particles below several hundred nanometers 数百nm以下の多成分系機能性粒子の合成技術の開発
  • 1999-2002: Development of measurement techniques for impurities in liquids, discovery of cluster ions derived from water 液中不純物の計測技術の開発、水由来のクラスターイオンの発見
  • 2000-2006: Development of a method to measure particles in liquids by dispersion in gas (particle size, molecular weight): Thermal analysis of individual nanoparticles 気中分散による液中粒子の計測法の開発(粒径, 分子量):個別ナノ粒子の熱分析(世界初)
  • 2001-2006: Structuring of nanoparticles ナノ粒子の構造体・素子化
  • 2007-: Development of electrochemical methods for integrating and synthesizing nanoparticles 電気化学法によるナノ粒子の集積化法と合成法の開発
  • 2007-: Development of resource-efficient processes for fine particles and powders (mainly heat and fluid transport operations) 省資源型の微粒子・粉末のプロセス開発(主に熱流体移動操作)
  • 2008-: Transport phenomena of particulate matter in the environment (plant systems, soil, atmospheric environment) 環境中における粒子状物質の輸送現象(植物系・土壌・大気環境)

EDUCATION Background

  • 学部 Bachelor Engineering Physics, Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) Indonesia, 1987-1988. 中途退学. Left the university, to start “working” (with a scholarship) 世界銀行奨学生(インドネシア政府派遣留学生)
  • 日本語 Japanese language (Jakarta 1987-1988) 国際交流基金ジャカルタ日本文化センター
  • 日本語 Japanese language (Tokyo 1988-1989) 国際学友会日本語学校(現:独立行政法人日本学生支援機構・東京日本語教育センター)日本語能力試験一級に合格
  • 学部(文部省斡旋入学) Bachelor. Chemical Engineering, Hiroshima Univ. (HU) , 1989-1993. Project: “Making an Impact Tester for Evaluating Polymer Sample” (Prof. Y. Nagase)
  • 修士論文 Master: Engineering of Transport Phenomena, HU., 1993-1995. “Experimental and Stress Analysis of Polypropylene Blended with Rubber” (Prof. Y. Nagase) ゴムをブレンドしたポリプロピレンの溶融混錬とその固体の応力解析
  • 博士論文 Doctoral: HU, 1995-1998. “Preparation of Metal Sulfide Fine Particles by Spray Pyrolysis” (Prof. K. Okuyama)

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Wuled Lenggoro is a professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) since 2007, after working at Hiroshima University (HU) from 1998 to 2006. He studied in Japan with a World Bank fellowship and obtained his degrees at HU. He has been a visiting fellow and a collaborative researcher at several institutions in Japan and abroad, and a technical advisor of two multinational companies. He leads a research group at TUAT under Japan’s first tenure-track program and has published more than 130 refereed journal articles, 20 reviews, and 20 patents. He has received several awards from the Japan Association of Aerosol Science & Technology and other organizations. His research interests are in “micro” and “global” transport phenomena, especially the flow of matter and energy in particulate systems.

Wuled Lenggoro, joined Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) as faculty member in 2007 and previously worked at Hiroshima University (HU) from 1998 to 2006. He quit a university in Indonesia at his first year to study in Japan with a World Bank fellowship, and obtained his degrees at HU. He has been a visiting fellow at Yale University (USA), Lund University (Sweden), collaborative researcher at RIKEN and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), and a technical advisor of two multinational companies. He leads a research group at TUAT under Japan’s first tenure-track program and has supervised more than 15 doctoral students, 50+ master’s students or undergraduate final projects. He was a Regional Editor of the Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Springer) and an Editor of the Journal of Aerosol Research (Japan Association of Aerosol Science & Technology JAAST). He has co-authored more than 120 refereed journal articles, 20 reviews, and 20 patents. He has received several awards, including the “22nd APT Distinguished Paper Award” (2024, SPTJ/Elseveier), the “2nd Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award” (2007, Asian Aerosol Research Assembly), the “Chemical Engineering Science–Most Cited Paper 2003-2006 Award” (Elsevier), the “Iinoya Award” (2005, JAAST), the “Kanji Takahashi Award” (2013, 2020, JAAST), and the “Measurement Award” (2016, JAAST) . His research interests are in “micro” and “global” transport phenomena, especially the flow of matter in “good” or “bad” particulate systems.

1998年より2つの国立大学(広島大学と東京農工大学-)の教員を務めてきました。インドネシア出身で、広島大学で学位を取得。イェール大学(米国)客員研究員、ルンド大学(スウェーデン)客員研究員、(国立研究開発法人)理化学研究所RIKENおよび新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構NEDOの共同研究員、多国籍企業2社の技術顧問を歴任。2007年に日本初のテニュアトラックプログラムで研究室を立ち上げた東京農工大学では、15名以上の博士課程の学生、30名以上の修士課程の学生、40名以上の学部生の卒業研究を指導してきました。また、Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Springer)のアジア・オセアニア地域編集者、日本エアロゾル学会「エアロゾル研究」編集者も務めています。これまでに、120以上の査読付論文、20の総説・解説、20の特許を共著。アジア若手エアロゾル科学者賞(2007年)、「Chemical Engineering Science誌最も引用された論文2003-2006賞」(エルゼビア社)、日本エアロゾル学会からは井伊谷賞(2005年)、高橋幹二賞(2013年、2020年)、測定賞(2016年)などを受賞している。レンゴロ博士は、「ミクロ」と「グローバル」な輸送現象に長年の関心を持っています。現在の研究では、”Good”または”Bad”微粒子システムにおける物質とエネルギーの流れを理解するための設計原理の研究に取り組んでいます。


Research group…

職歴 INTRODUCTION (2013/3) for an Interview by Petrotech Magazine (石油学会会誌) The Japan Petroleum Institute.

1998-2006年広島大学工学部助手, 2007年東京農工大学大学院共生科学技術研究院特任准教授(テニュアトラック教員), 2009年同大学院工学研究院准教授(テニュア教員)。機能材料の合成法と環境技術のための微粒子工学に取り組む。代表的な著書:Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (American Scientific), 微粒子工学大系(フジテクノシステム), Handbook of Luminescence, Display Materials & Devices (American Scientific)を分担執筆。趣味:音楽 自己紹介: 日本に留学生した1989年頃には、同級生に「インドネシアにはテレビはあるの?(もちろんありました)」と聞かれ落ち込みましたが、最近はインターネット等で「生の情報」が流れるようになり、いい時代になったと思います。

BASE TUAT building

世界初:SELECTED PUBLICATIONS. 主な学術発表論文 2007-2023, works with TUAT students

🌱 植物にサイズが100 nm以上の粒子を導入: Stem cutting: A novel introduction site for transporting water-insoluble particles into tomato seedlings, Plant Physiol. Biochem. (2024)

高分子繊維の形成とエアロゾル粒子との”気中混合”: One-step fabrication of soot particle–embedded fibrous membranes for solar distillation using candle burning–assisted electrospinning, Adv. Powder Tech. (2023)

🌱 微粒子曝露システム:約2年間の植物育成 🔬: A plant growth chamber system equipped with aerosol generators for studying aerosol-vegetation interactions, Particuology (2023)

土壌コーティングによる水分蒸発を減らす技術: Surface treatment of clayey soil particles for reducing water loss through evaporation. Adv. Powder Tech. (2022)

一本のろうそく燃焼から親水性と疎水性膜の製造: Carbonaceous Nanoparticle Layers Prepared using Candle Soot by Direct- and Spray-based Depositions, Aerosol Air Qual. Res. (2018)

熱対流によるエアロゾルの微粒化とナノ粒子合成:Fragmentation and decomposition of solution droplets by thermal convection, Adv. Powder Tech. (2018)

幅が100nmの多孔体中に水中微粒子を固定化: Immobilization of colloidal particles into sub-100 nm porous by electrophoresis in water, Coll. Surf. A (2014)

ラマン分光と微粒子集積との”組み合わせ”表面分析法 Probing a layer of organic molecules by aerosol nanoparticles by surface-enhanced Raman scattering, RSC Adv. (2015)

数μm領域の表面電位の計測(植物葉からの学び)Area-selective deposition of charged particles on a surface with different hydrophilic levels, J. Aerosol Sci. (2014)

パルス型電気泳動法(モデル:水中微粒子)Electrophoretic-made structure from aqueous nanoparticle suspension, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn (2009) Patent.

世界初 Selected Publications: with Hiroshima U. members (Okuyama Lab 1998-2006):

粒子径と結晶子径と蛍光強度との関係:Correlations between Crystallite/Particle Size and Photoluminescence Properties of Submicron Phosphors, Chem. Mater. (2007) The most highly cited paper I published. It was the result of my last idea and student guidance during my Hiroshima period.

ナノ粒子個別の熱分析手法:Colloidal Nanoparticle Analysis by Nanoelectrospray Size Spectrometry with a Heated Flow, Anal. Chim. Acta, (2007)

液中ナノ粒子の気中分散を用いた平滑基質への選択的集積法:Nanoparticle assembly on patterned “plus/minus” surfaces from electrospray of colloids, J. Coll. Interf. Sci, (2006). (A patent was submitted by an electronic company)

水サンプルの不純物の計測とクラスターイオンの発見Measurement of cluster ions and residue nanoparticles from water samples, Anal. Sci, (2003). (A patent was submitted by an electronic company)

液中ナノ粒子用の計測法の開発:Sizing of colloidal nanoparticles by electrospray and differential mobility analyzer, ACS Langmuir (2002) (A patent was submitted by RIKEN)

ナノ粒子の気相合成法の開発:Novel route to nanoparticle synthesis by salt-assisted aerosol decomposition, Adv. Mater., (2001) (A patent was submitted by JST)

噴霧熱分解法による液滴ー粒子転換の数値シミュレーションと実験結果の比較:An experimental and modeling investigation of particle production by spray pyrolysis using a laminar flow aerosol reactor, J. Mater. Res, (2000)

As Examiner for Doctoral Thesis: 博士論文の副査(農工大)

2020: …. 2019: …. 2018: Nguyen Thanh Tung, Pu Jianglong, Taketoshi Ito; 2017:…..; 2016: Kinjiro Kanazawa, Shunzo Shimai, Takeshi Mori,2015: Yoko Hanada, Ken Yoshioka.2014/12- Hossein, Taherzadeh (Ogino Lab)2013/2 : 龚 紹峰 (Sen Lab)2012/12: Nomura, Yousuke (Kamiya Lab)2012/8: Cao, Zhenbo (Ogino Lab)2012/6: 李 森 (Sen Lab) 2012/2: 金尾美樹 (Kanao, Miki , Ogino Lab.2012/2: 譚 穎 Ogino Lab2012/2: 吉田 健一 (Shimomura Lab)2012/1: 小林 晃 (Kamiya Lab)2010/8: 西田 貴裕 (Takiyama Lab); 2010/8: 本間 正洋(神谷研) ; 2010/3- Kiba, Shosuke (Nakato Lab); 2010/3- Hisashi, Hideyuki (Kamiya Lab); 2010/3- Takebayashi, Kenji (Kamiya Lab); 2009/8- Amit Suri (Horio Lab)2009/2- Nikaido, Masanori (Kamiya Lab); 2008/9- Wada, Masashi (Kamiya Lab)2008/9- Yokohama, Naoki (Nakata Lab); 2008/3- Jie Shen (Ogino Lab)

As Examiner for Doctoral Thesis: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2022-2023), National University of Singapore (2010-2011): Balasubramanian Suresh Kumar “Biodistribution and implications of exposure to gold nanoparticle”

From Web of Science (Feb.2022) “DIVERSITY” OF PUBLISHED JOURNALS (1998-2021) More than 50 journals

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